Web browser testing for Unicode Hebrew and CSS @font-face: BIDI, Positioning, and Diacritical Mark Support

SVG and CSS @font-face Test

The advantage to using text within SVG images is so that text within illustrations remain machine-readable (and searchable) on the web. How well do web browsers handle Unicode Hebrew within SVG files? How well do they handle fonts referenced with CSS 2 @font-face from within SVG files?

The following test examines whether your web browser can display SVG 1.1 and whether it is capable of displaying SVG fonts referenced with CSS @font-face. Text should be rendered RTL (right-to-left) and should match the reference images with the exception of some subtle font hinting (which SVG does not support). If the font displayed in the SVG does not match the reference PNG images, the browser fails the test.

Font SVG Image Reference Image (PNG)
Linux Libertine O
(Hebrew charset)
Miriam CLM

Read here, for more on how to use the CSS @font-face facility ([CSS2], section 15.3.1) to reference an SVG font saved in an external file.

Previous: CSS @font-face Diacritical Mark Positioning Test | Next: Test Results

Hebrew font Browser Test version 0.70 by Aharon Varady for The Open Siddur Project (November 2011).

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