One term of graduate school complete, five more to go. If you’re interested in seeing some of the work I’ve done, I’ve placed some of it online. The paper on Tolkien’s Shire is here, and my 3D modeling of Centennial Plaza in Cincinnati is here.
One term of graduate school complete, five more to go. If you’re interested in seeing some of the work I’ve done, I’ve placed some of it online. The paper on Tolkien’s Shire is here, and my 3D modeling of Centennial Plaza in Cincinnati is here. This page was recently linked from the School of Planning at DAAP, University of Cincinnati site, so if you’re visiting here from there, hi! If you’re an MCP student and you’re interested in getting your page or resume linked, talk to Sheng. Listening to “Summetime Rolls” by Jane’s Addiction today and I wonder whether the lyrics that I sing to it are the same as the official lyrics (since my lyrics don’t make sense in parts). Here is the comparison between my lyrics and the official lyrics, if you’re interested. A month ago I visited the exhibit of Robinson Fredenthal, a wonderful artist and designer, who has been making complicated geometric objects out of folded paper and tape for the last 35 years. Afterwards, I met Robinson in his studio and saw much more of his collection. I knew I’d be leaving Philadelphia soon but . . . → Continue reading: update 2002-08-14 I’m working on a proposal for a project that I’m calling the “Open Siddur”. The goal of the project is to bring back the creative power of t’fillah to the individual while encouraging the feeling of solidarity with and awareness of the larger Jewish community and their diversity. The draft proposal is located here. Growing . . . → Continue reading: update 2002-08-08 This summer, while I’ve been pondering what next to do with my life, I’ve also been going back over all the small mysteries and projects which I never had taken the time before to investigate or at least, write down. Here’s an example. I always wondered who did the fantastic and psychedelic cover art illustrations . . . → Continue reading: update 2002-07-30 I’ve set up a streaming audio server from my home computer, DEIMOS. Now you’ll be able to listen to what I’m listening to at any particular moment (with a 30 second memory bufferred time delay). The link to the streamcast is here. Oh my. Philadelphia is a wonderful place to be this Summer. And in a month I’ll be leaving. I’m currently in the process of applying to the University of Cincinnati’s Community Planning graduate program. I’ll be specializing in Environmental Planning. I’m hoping to learn as much as possible about ecological and energy efficient designs for homes and communities. . . . → Continue reading: update 2002-07-26 According to the Myers-Briggs/Kiersey-Bates Personality Type schema, I am an INFJ, and according to this Star Wars Personality Test, I am a Chewbacca. While the MBTI might not meet the rigours of scientific-proof, I have found it to present certain insights. An interesting critique of the system can be found at The Star War’s Personality Test also included this brief list of links summarizing some of the more valuable and serious research into personality psychology in Academia. . . . → Continue reading: update 2001-08-07 |
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