A graphic I prepared for a 2016 essay I had written on alliances between right-wing Jews and Christian nationalists got itself published as a frontispiece in Daniel Boyarin’s The No-State Solution (Yale University Press: 2022). . . . → Continue reading: “Wherever we live, that is our homeland” – a frontispiece in Daniel Boyarin’s The No-State Solution: A Jewish Manifesto (2022)
A political logo for the Biden/Harris 2024 campaign in the US General Election, using Yiddish orthography. . . . → Continue reading: Biden/Harris! 2024 בּײַדן/העריס
By coincidence, I just happened to be watching THE HUMANITY BUREAU (2017) last night. I say coincidence since I had no idea this low budget Nicholas Cage film was a fever dream for right-wing conspiracy types, so watching it, I felt like I was getting a glimpse of their thought world in the aftermath of last week’s real-life insurrection. . . . → Continue reading: The Humanity Bureau (2017)
A political logo for the Biden/Harris 2020 campaign in the US General Election, using Yiddish orthography. . . . → Continue reading: Biden/Harris! 2020 בּײַדן/העריס
For the last several years I’ve become concerned with a movement on the right, an alliance between Christian Zionists in the U.S. and Israel’s Likud party-flavored right-nationalist Zionism. Something I heard Sarah Palin say back in 2009 in an interview with Barbara Walters raised my eyebrow and Jeffrey Goldberg at the Atlantic was quick to . . . → Continue reading: Wherever I live, that is my ‘Homeland’ — a Response to Zionists on the Jewish and Christian Right
Images from the Get Out the Vote drive, election night in Philadelphia 2008 . . . → Continue reading: November 4th
Xeni Jardin over at Boing Boing has an important post analyzing the dragging death murder of Brandon McClelland, 24, last month in Paris, Texas, an area of our country haunted by a legacy of lynchings going back over a hundred years. Please read it.
In light of the McCain campaign’s stinking “idiot wind” gusting over . . . → Continue reading: The Idiot Wind’s Gusts are Now a Gale
So far there is no indication that the recent near fatal beating of KATV anchorwoman Anne Pressly in Little Rock, Arkansas, might be politically motivated other than the fact that Pressly is a member of the media and appeared briefly in Oliver Stone’s just opened critical biopic ‘W.’ But given that the daily vitriol heaped . . . → Continue reading: What’s the frequency, Kenneth!? (redux)
“Is that a kippah on that anti-Obama effigy?” I couldn’t help but wonder while reading this article and watching this story that local Cincinnati station WKRC (Channel 12) aired yesterday about Fairfield, Ohio’s Mike Lunsford as reported on by Shawn Ley. (For those from out of town, Fairfield is a northern exurb of Cincinnati . . . → Continue reading: Translating the Hate of an Antisemitic Anti-Obama Effigy