

Professor Varady in the Netherlands

This is something of a guest post by proxy. My father, Dr. David Varady, is on his sabbatical and working at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. My mother, meanwhile, is working on visiting in person all the Dutch art she scanned from books during her tenure as the visual . . . → Continue reading: Professor Varady in the Netherlands

Day of Radiance: A Celebration of Experimental Music and Parks in Philadelphia

Although the day, month, and season Brian Eno met Laraaji Nadabrahmananda in Philadelphia’s New York’s Washington Square Park in 1979 is unknown, their meeting led directly to an important album, Ambient 3: Day of Radiance (1980). In commemoration of this creative encounter, the Philadelphia Ambient Consortium is at the beginning stages of . . . → Continue reading: Day of Radiance: A Celebration of Experimental Music and Parks in Philadelphia

Bond Hill and the Panic of 1873

Here’s a question to add to the list of mysteries left unresearched by my master’s thesis on the origin and transformation of Bond Hill: how was the housing cooperative and building association impacted by the financial crash and panic of 1873 and the resulting depression? There were hints of decline but I could only speculate . . . → Continue reading: Bond Hill and the Panic of 1873

At your service

I am an urban planner by profession and degree, but while I’m looking for work I am also a technology consultant, copy editor, bicycle messenger, ipod manager, technical writer, blog reader, proofreader, and coffee sipper.

Perhaps you don’t have a significant other or know-it-all child or lucky friend to ask you for your computer help . . . → Continue reading: At your service

Post-Parks Conference Thoughts

I’ve taken more notes than I’ve been able to blog just yet, and the conference is already over. I came to the conference to see what opportunities there might be for a former researcher for a major park advocacy group to stroll back into the world of park professionals after cutting his teeth working on . . . → Continue reading: Post-Parks Conference Thoughts

Urban Parks 2008: Opening Session

I’ll be blogging the Urban Parks conference session as I attend them. The opening session occurred yesterday evening.

Luis Garden Acosta, founder of El Puente, a community based human rights and environmental organization in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn, and recipient of the Heinz Award for the Human Condition, provided a rousing keynote address, “Parks: . . . → Continue reading: Urban Parks 2008: Opening Session

Body & Soul: Urban Parks 2008

Over the next few days I’ll be in Pittsburgh for the Body & Soul: International Urban Parks Conference. Besides attending sessions and workshops, I’ll also be monitoring certain sessions to handle audio-visual and other computer issues that often arise. I promise to blog, or at least twitter, interesting ideas gleaned from the conference here at . . . → Continue reading: Body & Soul: Urban Parks 2008

Downtown Baton Rouge Needs an Independent Cinematheque!

“Downtown Baton Rouge needs an independent cinematheque!” I exclaimed desperately to Emma Chammah. The architect is familiar with these bursts of urban sentiment from her city planning apartment mate. But she agrees, as do most folk who live and work in the city. Sure downtown now has a selection of bars and restaurants, as well . . . → Continue reading: Downtown Baton Rouge Needs an Independent Cinematheque!

Lizards of Louisiana

This is an image of a lizard I took scaling the wall of the Highland Coffeehouse next to LSU last Sunday (1/22/2006). Can anyone help me identify it? It’s skin was bumpy with little white bits popping up over it. Cute little critter!

Baton Rouge: Sense of Place (part 1)

Baton Rouge is a small town that hardly seems to have the urban energy expected for a state capital. A number of concerned planners, civic organizations, corporate sponsors, and urbanist oriented citizens have a vision though. And I’m appreciating their efforts. Firstly, there are obvious attempts to raise awareness of the distinctive urban character of . . . → Continue reading: Baton Rouge: Sense of Place (part 1)