A month ago I visited the exhibit of Robinson Fredenthal, a wonderful artist and designer, who has been making complicated geometric objects out of folded paper and tape for the last 35 years. Afterwards, I met Robinson in his studio and saw much more of his collection. I knew I’d be leaving Philadelphia soon but I resolved to help generate interest and publicize the artist and his work. First, I wrote an email to the pacman_events list. And today, I’ve kicked start the philly_fredenthal listserve. Anyone in Philadelphia who likes Fractals or M.C. Escher or Geometry should visit Robin’s exhibit at the Kroiz Architectural Archives at the University of Pennsylvania. And if you’re interested, join the listserve to help promote Robin and his work.

“update 2002-08-14” is shared by Aharon N. Varady with a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International copyleft license.
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