The quote, “Tradition ist die Weitergabe des Feuers und nicht die Anbetung der Asche” — is often attributed to Gustav Mahler (1860–1911). While that attribution should rightfully be given to the French socialist leader Jean Jaurès (1859–1914), the actual origin goes back quite a bit further. . . . → Continue reading: On the origin of the popular quotation, “Tradition is not to preserve the ashes, but to pass on the flame.”
The sixth month of the year, Elul, is my birthday month which usually translates to the Gregorian calendar as occurring in September. As the months of the Jewish/Hebrew calendar are strongly associated with their mazalot (constellations), so Elul is associated with the mazal of Betulah (Virgo). Perhaps it is already well established that the sigil of Virgo ♍ looks somewhat like a closed fist, so I thought I’d illustrate the association with the attached image I’m titling “Virgo Power.” . . . → Continue reading: Virgo Power
A graphic I prepared for a 2016 essay I had written on alliances between right-wing Jews and Christian nationalists got itself published as a frontispiece in Daniel Boyarin’s The No-State Solution (Yale University Press: 2022). . . . → Continue reading: “Wherever we live, that is our homeland” – a frontispiece in Daniel Boyarin’s The No-State Solution: A Jewish Manifesto (2022)
A political logo for the Biden/Harris 2024 campaign in the US General Election, using Yiddish orthography. . . . → Continue reading: Biden/Harris! 2024 בּײַדן/העריס
The experience of heartbreak puts a person in opposition to their dream, in which they must unwillingly do battle with the Hope of their dream, to somehow bury or otherwise extinguish it. This is akin to murder, as Hope wants nothing more than to live, and Hope will live until it is made to expire, but it won’t go quietly — Hope struggles, hope beyond hope, that it might somehow continue. It is being starved to death of every resource and so it will grab onto every hint or far-fetched suggestion of what might be possible, for nourishment. And because it is resilient, Hope finds what it needs to live, and lives. . . . → Continue reading: On putting Hope to rest
This here meme I rolled this evening was inspired by a meme created by Steg sometime more than a decade ago and shared on the website. The timestamp on the image I saved dates to hoary 2012, but I have a feeling I saw it earlier than that, perhaps in 2010 or even in more eldritch years. . . . → Continue reading: We Rabbis Don’t Make Golems for the Money — We Do It Because It’s Awesome
I located an apotropaic amulet containing a prophylactic historiola of Eliyahu vs. Lilith, long lost whose transcription by Richard Gottheil was first published by James Montgomery in 1913, Now, finally, the transcription can be corrected against the actual manuscript held in the collection of Columbia University library. . . . → Continue reading: Locating James Alan Montgomery and Richard Gotheil’s lost Amulet No. 42
I’m here for Doykeit (also, Doykayt, Here-ness) and I’m here for cats, not only the living creatures but also the idea of cats who will make any place they rest their haunches appear to be their own, until they leave, as is there want. Who else lives in the here and now? I present the doycats, which were always here if made invisible by their veritable ubiquity. Asked to announce their presence, they prefer to curl up and rest, or to stare into corners regressing infinitely, or to peer defiantly at even more obscure sheydim. . . . → Continue reading: Doycats of Doykeit
I received a very nice compliment, so I’m parking it here for just those times I might need to read it. . . . → Continue reading: Approbations
By coincidence, I just happened to be watching THE HUMANITY BUREAU (2017) last night. I say coincidence since I had no idea this low budget Nicholas Cage film was a fever dream for right-wing conspiracy types, so watching it, I felt like I was getting a glimpse of their thought world in the aftermath of last week’s real-life insurrection. . . . → Continue reading: The Humanity Bureau (2017)