

Behemot and Bahamut

The umbilical cord of my omphalos winds its way back in time to the blessings of my mother and father, but also inwards and outside-of-time, stretching into a womb land that is all myth and dream and imagination. With some effort I can follow my way back into this makom, this space and hopefully return . . . → Continue reading: Behemot and Bahamut

More from the Celestial Emporium of Benevolent Knowledge

Inspired by Borges’ 14 kinds of animals catalogued in “a certain Chinese encyclopedia, The Celestial Emporium of Benevolent Knowledge,” here are

14 kinds of people

those mistaken for bigfoot those who are asleep government workers nameless ones those who exist only in dreams women with cats seafaring ones those who are crying that cannot be . . . → Continue reading: More from the Celestial Emporium of Benevolent Knowledge