

If I can’t trip to it, it’s not my religion!

I do believe that periodically, it is worthwhile to reflect on whether one’s religious practice is nurturing one’s creativity, curiosity, and compassion or yet another grim prism/prison through which our perception of the Cosmos and our fellow inhabitants is terminally circumscribed, or worse: a worldview and ethos sanctioning for us the willful harm, oppression, and even predation of other beings. . . . → Continue reading: If I can’t trip to it, it’s not my religion!

On Mind Flayers and the Faith of our Fathers

Isaac S. and I were talking role playing and the biological basis of behavior for Mind Flayer society again this past Shabbat when our conversation meandered into the ever fertile field of movement ideology and identity politics in American Modern Orthodox Judaism. (In hindsight it seems appropriate we were taking a stroll through Spring . . . → Continue reading: On Mind Flayers and the Faith of our Fathers