Interrobang-½ is in Cincinnati where Aharon has volunteered to give a presentation of his masters thesis research to the good people who show up at the Bond Hill Branch Library. “What will I tell them-½” asks Aharon while he procrastinates by interrobanging his head against the wall of his old bedroom. So much anxiety. But take comfort, he is also feasting in the plenty of his parent’s largess. Tonight: lasagna — a welcome trade from the dinners of mushroom soup and spinach he’s accumstomed himself to in our nation’s capitol. “I have done the right thing by coming here. This is a challenge!” says Aharon to no one in particular, except quite a few people will be particular tomorrow when they see Aharon beginning his presentation in the nude. “What’s wrong with that? I am comfortable with my body,” says Aharon and interrobang listens and records these ruminations. Ivan and Katziel sit nearby self-possessed, comfortably nude and furry, ignoring his bald lie.

“On Nudity” is shared by Aharon N. Varady with a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International copyleft license.
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