- is a hidden thing.
- the excellent student run radio station here in Baton Rouge is KLSU. Late nights keep me sane.
- there is no conquering the fleas. though they feast on me, i shall not become one of them. Or will I… ?
- confession: my JITW friends have great patience listening to me wax on about leviathans and behemoths (this past shabbes in St. Bernard Parish, at the Rainbow Gathering Community Relief Center “Hippy Dome” [not an official name] — see photos)
- Beverly Lerner needs to start sharing her brilliant thoughts in writing. Brilliance shines like a koan.
- One glass of wine before bed
- Ghost Exits are an epiphany on a hot afternoon struggling with nihilistic impulses
- There are others who understand the hidden meaning of The Snarkout Boys and the Avocado of Death by Daniel Pinkwater. On jdate.
- I want to work with Stephanie Firestone. But how?
- Or how about the Center for Neighborhood Technology. I can dream.

“random things” is shared by Aharon N. Varady with a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International copyleft license.
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