

Emergency Broadcast Network

Joshua L. Pearson, the most visible man behind Emergency Broadcast Network, has a website. Had I known this, I would’ve stopped praying every day for a new EBN tape to finally be released, cause Josh has graciously offered elevenses up for download. Not familiar with EBN ? Throughout the 90s they pioneered the idea of VJing in complement to DJing. I last saw them in 1998 (soon before they dissolved) in Philly when DJ Spooky’s tour came through. Salad days. Bloody Ears. (Those were loud shows!) Keep EBN in mind if you’ve ever seen the Avalanches’ “Frontier Psychiatrist” video — EBN was there first. (And Negativland and the Residents before them).

Below, “378” by EBN (courtesy of youtube and user electricmonk).

About Aharon N. Varady

Aharon's Omphalos is the hobbit hole of Aharon Varady, founding director of the Open Siddur Project. He is a community planner and environmental educator working to improve stewardship of the Public Domain, be it the physical and natural commons of urban park systems or the creative and cultural commons of libraries and museums. His advocacy for open-source strategies in the Jewish community has been written about in the Atlantic Magazine, the Yiddish Forverts, Tablet, and Haaretz. He is particularly interested in pedagogies for advancing ecological wisdom, developing creative and emotional intelligence, and realizing effective theurgical praxes. He welcomes your comments, personal messages, and kind words. If you find his work helpful to your own or you'd simply like to support him, please consider donating via his Patreon account.

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