Someone, I think Daniel Clowes, once theorized that JFK was assasinated by hit men for the hat industry, payback for the President’s disregard for men’s hats and the subsequent decline in their fashion in the early 1960s. But in the days of Dwight Eisenhower, you could still drive around with Jimmy Stewart whilst wearing a hat about San Francisco, whistling. I’ve never been to the Bay Area myself but this is how I imagine it, with the score that Bernard Herrmann wrote for it in the film Vertigo (1958). The first time I saw this film when I was 16 or so I imagined what you can now view for yourself below. (It wasn’t until much later that I had a computer and the free software to make the edits I needed.) Enjoy.
“Bernard Herrmann” is shared by Aharon N. Varady with a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International copyleft license.
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