Just happened to tune into National Public Radio this morning to hear listener letters sent in this week on a program segment that was broadcast last Sunday, January 21st, a promo spot for Double Banjo Bluegrass Spectacular (2007), a new album by Banjo master Tony Trischka. Along for the ride were fellow Banjo superstars Steve Martin and Bela Fleck. What a great show. You can listen to the NPR segment here.
A few studio only tracks presenting the licks and chops of Martin, Fleck, & Trischka (including one original Beatnick Banjo Poem) are also available from the NPR page, one of which I liberated from real media format, for sharing purposes below (via MOG player). Enjoy. (Ivory Toad of Catalan by Bela Fleck and Tony Trischka).

“Ivory Toad of Catalan” is shared by Aharon N. Varady with a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International copyleft license.
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