PHOBOS (ie.,, the Philadelphia Ambient Consortium’s once-vital, now deceased server, held the archives of the Philly_ambient listserve prior to the listerve’s move to the less crash prone yahoogroups account where it now lives. Good thing that I kept an archive of the discussions from those fecund first three years. In the sterile yet obscure cleanroom of a forgotten well-nested folder the archives remained, copied from one backup drive to another over these past six years since I left Philly. Like so many things on my to do list, restoring them to the home of the Philadelphia Ambient Consortium for public access by google and other search queries was a project that needed more urgent attention but was relegated to the care of the negligent neurons that monitor that cobwebby, flakey part of my mind. Today was a housecleaning. I’ve uploaded them. Hello, philly ambient circa 1998 to 2001.

“Philly Ambient Listserve Archives Alive” is shared by Aharon N. Varady with a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International copyleft license.
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