Last night was my second night in two weeks of yoga with K. Clair and friends at her West Philly loft. I’m even starting to remember some poses for practicing during the rest of the week. But the hardest part, for me anyways, seems to be associating correctly each pose with either inhaling or exhaling — and then keeping aware of where my breathing is as I exercise each position. As a teaching and memory aid, I created the above image macro with the help of icanhascheesburger.
Much appreciation to Kristina and my other fellow Philly yoga friends for making this a fun and instructive part of my week.
UPDATE: Hilariously, I got my (in/ex)hales mixed up in my first attempt at this lolcat. See comments below. Thanks again to Kristina 🙂

“Kitteh Yoga” is shared by Aharon N. Varady with a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International copyleft license.
Nice! You have the inhale and exhale backwards though 🙂
Perfect. Alternately in lolspeak, “Kitteh Yoga — Youre Doing it Backwerds!”