

NPR in Vermilion Parish

Andria Hsu had a story in yesterday’s All Thing’s Considered on the aftermath of Hurricane Rita on Vermilion Parish. Listen to it here:

This group needs your help

Just got forwarded a link from a contact I made in Baton Rouge about a group concerned about the welfare of animals in Vermilion Parish. As it happens, one of the National Guardsman in my team, and his wife, have long been active with the group. They need some basic things like nails, and warm . . . → Continue reading: This group needs your help


Just briefly, here are the things I meant to blog about but haven’t yet, in no satisfactory chronological order. Just got to get them down or else I’ll forget to write about them entirely. (With blog rot in the Swamp of Despair, where the waters above meet the waters below, and the great Nothing erodes . . . → Continue reading: Slacker

Long Term Community Recovery

Today I am working on the Community Baseline, as I was yesterday, and I will be tomorrow. It is the first part of the Long Term Community Recovery Plan we will be submitting the compilation of my team’s planning efforts in Vermilion Parish. I have created worksheets for the other experts in my team to . . . → Continue reading: Long Term Community Recovery

New Orleans

I have a back log of things to write about so here are my observations from my visit last Saturday (1/28) of New Orleans.

The night before, I visited Beth Shalom Synagogue in Baton Rouge, for meeting Rougey Jews and to maybe even sing L’cha Dodi and other nice songs. The synagogue is one of . . . → Continue reading: New Orleans

First Day

This will be a short post because I am exhausted.

Early this morning I left La Quinta Inn for Abbeville. The hour an a half drive brought me to work by 7:30am where I met many of my fellow workers and my supervisors. After getting set up I began what turned out to be a . . . → Continue reading: First Day

Vermilion Parish

I just received my deployment details. I’ll be heading to Vermillion Parish in southwestern Louisiana, a largely rural parish in the heart of Cajun country where a number of small towns (population less than 5000) were devastated. I am very excited! I’ll be staying in Abbeville (or nearby) and filling in a gap with the . . . → Continue reading: Vermilion Parish

Motel Evacuees

I’ve written a little about the motels I’ve been staying while waiting for my deployment, but I didn’t write up some observations that now seem rather relevant to what’s going on here in Baton Rouge related to the evacuees. The reason I haven’t, I’ll chalk up to inexperience transcribing my observations… I’m not yet well . . . → Continue reading: Motel Evacuees

Lizards of Louisiana

This is an image of a lizard I took scaling the wall of the Highland Coffeehouse next to LSU last Sunday (1/22/2006). Can anyone help me identify it? It’s skin was bumpy with little white bits popping up over it. Cute little critter!

Baton Rouge: Sense of Place (part 1)

Baton Rouge is a small town that hardly seems to have the urban energy expected for a state capital. A number of concerned planners, civic organizations, corporate sponsors, and urbanist oriented citizens have a vision though. And I’m appreciating their efforts. Firstly, there are obvious attempts to raise awareness of the distinctive urban character of . . . → Continue reading: Baton Rouge: Sense of Place (part 1)