I’ve written a little about the motels I’ve been staying while waiting for my deployment, but I didn’t write up some observations that now seem rather relevant to what’s going on here in Baton Rouge related to the evacuees. The reason I haven’t, I’ll chalk up to inexperience transcribing my observations… I’m not yet well . . . → Continue reading: Motel Evacuees
Yesterday morning, I finally received the call that my background check came through. Just in time, I thought, since my one week reservation at Motel 6 was coming to an end. So in a reprise of my recent nomadic exertions in DC, late last evening I repacked my belongings into my rental car, and in . . . → Continue reading: Checkout to nowhere
Fifty years ago Airline Highway was likely a very pleasant country road. No longer. I don’t have any pictures of it for you (maybe in an upcoming post) but I’m sure you’ve seen it before. It’s a sprawling commercial strip like any other. Every few years they expand the intersections to add another few feet . . . → Continue reading: Motel 6
After a three hour flight from DC, I’m in Baton Rouge. Allan drove me to the airport, once again helping me to appreciate what a wonderful and reliable friend he is. I spent the morning trying to tease out my anxieties from my past memories and to focus on the good I can do, but . . . → Continue reading: Baton Rouge
There is a peace here in Paul’s hamishe home on Harvard (just a few doors up the street from where I used to live). I’m sharing the couch with Emma, a small black and white chihuahua-like dog with big eyes and big ears, and incontinence. She managed to nest in my pillow before I had . . . → Continue reading: Last night with friends
One of the more interesting hypotheses in my book I felt was that Bond Hill’s first church was trans-denominational, or perhaps even Swedenborgian, reflecting the progressive spiritual framework of Henry Watkin’s family. The degree to which Watkin was a Swedenborgian hasn’t been fully established. We know that Watkin’s father-in-law Henry Fry was a committed Swedenborgian . . . → Continue reading: On Swedenborgianism in Bond Hill
The new edition of Bond Hill: Origin and Transformation… contains a few new findings. Robert Wimberg corrected an error of mine, where I had confused the Old Mens and Womens Home (aka the Old Folks Home) with the Altenheim (aka the German Old Mens Home). I really appreciate it when readers take the time to . . . → Continue reading: A few updates…
A close friend of mine has a popular name. She struggles to identify herself, to take strength in her unique being, and she is defied by her name: she is one of millions with this name. The galactic central planning committee gathers to converse and meditate on this problem for a thousand years. One venerable . . . → Continue reading: On Names
Where I experience some pushback to using anything but Internet Explorer at work. . . . → Continue reading: Orphaned Expectations
Interrobang-½ is in Cincinnati where Aharon has volunteered to give a presentation of his masters thesis research to the good people who show up at the Bond Hill Branch Library. “What will I tell them-½” asks Aharon while he procrastinates by interrobanging his head against the wall of his old bedroom. So much anxiety. But . . . → Continue reading: On Nudity