

Camper Van Beethoven

Eugene Chadbourne makes a good impression of a Richard Scarry monster, especially all roly-poly during improv. Little did I realize he figured in one of my favorite albums evar, Camper Van Beethoven’s Camper Van Beethoven (1986). I bought two cassettes from him wrapped in stray socks that he had shlepped from somewhere, possibly a laundromat, . . . → Continue reading: Camper Van Beethoven

Hooper Bay

UPDATE : I was hoaxed. The track lengths were right on, but I was the victim of wishful thinking. On another listen, the tracks of this album are faded out in order to conform to the time length signatures for Hooper Bay songs (still very much obscure). I’ll keep the text below in this archive . . . → Continue reading: Hooper Bay

Terrapin Station

There are some bands I really could not get into, but it wasn’t because their music was so terrible… it was just because the community of its adherents and I couldn’t find a common language to recommend music by taste. This is a perennial problem among fans who love one band or one genre . . . → Continue reading: Terrapin Station


I haven’t used my MOGspace much to blog about Klaus Schulze, and it does reflect some personal bias on my part… I just have the hardest time separating out one of his albums musically from any of the others in his early discography. That’s why the cover art is so important in identifying what’s what. . . . → Continue reading: Audentity

Emergency Broadcast Network

Joshua L. Pearson, the most visible man behind Emergency Broadcast Network, has a website. Had I known this, I would’ve stopped praying every day for a new EBN tape to finally be released, cause Josh has graciously offered elevenses up for download. Not familiar with EBN ? Throughout the 90s they pioneered the idea of . . . → Continue reading: Emergency Broadcast Network

What is needed

See how popular already youtube is on MOG for providing VIDEO content? What is really needed on MOG is a youtube like service for folks to easily share AUDIO that they’re mogging on about.

Hiding Underneath the Skin

My favorite country song. Yes, my favorite country song. It is by a man named Michael Stanton. It is a cover of the song “Skin” by Oingo Boingo. This song is deeply strange (lyrics), and sounds especially weird sung by a neo-tradionalist Country singer. I would love to hear more country songs like this.

I . . . → Continue reading: Hiding Underneath the Skin

Re-Entry to Mog

Astro-Sounds from Beyond the Year 2000 (1968) is a terrible album if you’re looking to hear “astro-sounds” as contemplated by a studio orchestra in 1968. Even as a lounge album it is unmemorable save for its delicious cover art and excellent track names. If you have high expectations for “A Dissapointed Love with A Desensitized . . . → Continue reading: Re-Entry to Mog

MOG mathemagicians?

I need some math/statistics help. I’m trying to figure out with some spreadsheet mojo whether math can give me an insight into who my favorite artist is. (I think I know the answer, but I’m open to being surprised by what statistics might reveal to me). If you’ve ever been interested in figuring out statistically . . . → Continue reading: MOG mathemagicians?

Sur Le Theme De Bene Gesserit

As a follow up to my last post on the origins of ambient music and cryptic homages left to Philip K. Dick, I thought I’d write a little something something on the theme of electronic music inspired by the fantastic in general. J. Horrible had commented/questioned on whether I had read Roger Zelazny which made . . . → Continue reading: Sur Le Theme De Bene Gesserit