In Man in the High Castle (1963), Philip K. Dick’s masterpiece novel written in collaboration with the I Ching about a parallel world with its own parallel Philip K. Dick, i.e., the man in the high castle. This man in the high castle, who we never meet, is a man hidden by virtue . . . → Continue reading: Philip K. Dick and the Heavenly Music Corporation
So, like you, I’ve been loving me some embedded youtube on the MOGs of the MOG -O-SPHERE. There’s no excuse for why I haven’t lit up my own text with video stars, it’s not like I haven’t come across some fantastic vids while researching these posts. Actually, I came across this vid (see below) not . . . → Continue reading: Gavotte
In an earlier post, I wrote about the influence of baroque on the development of progressive-electronic music (see “On the lookout for electro-baroque und beethoven“). After listening to some recommended albums by The Nice and Emerson, Lake, and Palmer, I realized that I had totally forgotten to mention Claude Bolling.
Beginning in the mid-70s when . . . → Continue reading: Claude Bolling
Fontgoddess has posted twice on her affection for metadata, providing examples of how others, even librarians, are tagging their files.
I started out tagging with the quiet and devout rigour of a monk gilding the dome of the basillica, but I eventually gave up with the genre field of id3 because it felt dishonest to . . . → Continue reading: Respecting Provenance with Metadata
The path into spooky kitsch is littered with the shelly husks of corroded tin robots, while a soundtrack is played in REAL STEREO by a Regina Music Box endlessly performing from a cylinder alternately spun by the three norns of Americanum Fantasticum: Ray Bradbury, Rod Serling, and Philip K. Dick. It’s night time and the . . . → Continue reading: Wherefrom come thou, Glock Frauenzimmer?
F. Spume inquires,
I’m looking for music from the seventies that are similar to Kraftwerk. I’m a sucker for robot music/old electronic and I thought I would throw this out there. I’ve already discovered Telex, Yellow Magic Orchestra, Jean-Michel Jarre, and more recently Roberto Cacciapaglia’s Anne Steel album. I’m even down with 80’s music like . . . → Continue reading: Robot Musics (for Fistula Spume)
I picked up the compilation Ohm: The Early Gurus of Electronic Music from my local library a few years agoon the recommendation of a friend. I was prepared to be educated. I knew not to expect beautiful, haunting melodies as on Harold Budd and Brian Eno’s Plateaux of Mirror as I had already experimented with . . . → Continue reading: François Bayle and Laurie Spiegel
I’m listening to Trans Harmonic Nights by Peter Baumann (1979) and it’s hard to miss why Tangerine Dream sounded so much better before he left that seminal electronic-space jam band in 1977. The artist knew how to sequence baroque melodies and sing lullabies into vocoders. Baumann must have been an incredible catalyst for Tangerine Dream . . . → Continue reading: Baba O’Riley and Peter Baumann
I listen to the punctuated tones and hypnotic melodies of gamelan music and I begin to understand why I become so flustered when trying to describe ambient to friends (and relatives, co-workers, strangers on blogs and listserves). Ethereal, atmospheric, and drone sounds also describe elements of the ambient spectrum, and in a way sets it . . . → Continue reading: Gamelan, Xylophone, and Computer Kitsch
Next to a Rainbow in Curved Air by Terry Riley (1968) my most favorite album (with a rainbow in the title) is Rainbow Dome Musick by Steve Hillage (1979), a magnificent two tracks/two sides album from the Canterbury school of progressive rock. I don’t really know whether to give credit to Brian Eno for . . . → Continue reading: Ggggong-go-long